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Currently reading

Jack of Kinrowan: Jack the Giant-Killer and Drink Down the Moon
Charles de Lint
Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
L. Frank Baum
The Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)
Patrick Rothfuss
The Sweet Scent of Blood
Suzanne McLeod
Shadow's Edge
Brent Weeks
M.E. Breen, Molly Breen
The Poison Eaters and Other Stories
Holly Black
This Side of the Grave
Jeaniene Frost
Zoo City
Lauren Beukes
Retro Demonology (The Demon Trappers, #0.5) - Jana Oliver This is a quick (as in, you'll probably read it over lunch and still have a lot of time to spare) little taste of the Demon Trapper's world. You get to see Riley go on her first job and meet some of the stranger occupants of Riley's Atlanta. Good peek at the character.