I knew after reading the first chapter that it was time to strap myself in and enjoy the ride. Excellent world and magic system, tortured lead character, lots of danger and action - hells yes.First off, the setting: Los Angeles. LA has always been hellish for me, so a story set there with a rampaging, ravenous ghost, the personification of Death, gangsters, a magical hitman, it all worked.Eric is our hitman. His magical talent is control of the dead. He left LA after avenging the death of his parents, but his sister's murder brings him back. He is looking for payback and finds way more than he was expecting.I am a sucker for any story where Death is a character. I love it, and I always want to see where the author will go with it. Here we get Death across different belief systems, in particular the Loa and Santa Muerte. Santa Muerte is so creepy. The magic system worked for me. I got plenty of show versus tell and it made sense. I liked Eric's attitude to his power. Control over the dead is one that would make most squeamish. This isn't a book with romance. There are lots of relationship issues. Eric spent years trying to keep a distance from anyone who mattered to him. He also left without a goodbye. I liked his interactions with Alex, his childhood friend, and Vivian, his ex. There is so much give and take, issues of trust and anger on all sides.A fast-paced, action-packed read that solved our main issue but left room for more, I will be eagerly awaiting the next Eric Carter adventure.